In college, a friend of a friend was into Neko Case and The New Pornographers, and had downloaded this video, which happened to be my first introduction to the band. And I thought, hey, that's a catchy song.
Years later, The New Pornographers are somewhere in my top fifteen favorite bands, and I've been watching this video for the first time since then. I'm not sure what exactly I thought the band was all about at the time, but I'm pretty sure the video did not properly set the stage. I was certain, for instance, that "All For Swinging You Around" was a reference to being totally up to dance, perhaps with one of those cute coeds with the spontaneous choreography. They don't get along with the hipster jump rope kids, but then they do!
"Can't tell if this is fantasy or culture shock"
Then it turns out that the song is actually heavy and weird, and now I have to stretch my mind a little to remember how I was able to think differently.
Years later, The New Pornographers are somewhere in my top fifteen favorite bands, and I've been watching this video for the first time since then. I'm not sure what exactly I thought the band was all about at the time, but I'm pretty sure the video did not properly set the stage. I was certain, for instance, that "All For Swinging You Around" was a reference to being totally up to dance, perhaps with one of those cute coeds with the spontaneous choreography. They don't get along with the hipster jump rope kids, but then they do!
"Can't tell if this is fantasy or culture shock"
Then it turns out that the song is actually heavy and weird, and now I have to stretch my mind a little to remember how I was able to think differently.