Sunday, March 16, 2003

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

I am all abuzz with misspent adrenaline and rejection, but this story caught my eye, and I thought I might talk about it for a moment. Three and a half-year old SETI@home project identifies candidate radio signals.

Everyone involved is quick to stress that the odds of actually finding a real signal that's originating from some alien transmitter is low, perhaps fantastically low. No doubt there will be at least a few breathless articles written about our iminent first contact within the next few days, anyway. Maybe. I mean, if anyone cares.

Distributed computing is super awesome cool, though, is what I want to say, I guess. Uh, maybe more on this later.

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

" which case, that too, that cynical distaste at her own persona, was deliberately put on! And that scorn for the distaste which she was busy contriving, was so much play-acting too! And her doubt about her was maddening. Once you started being sincere, was there no end to it?"
Simone de Beauvoir, L'Invitée