This will not make me appear cool at parties.
Regarding Lost: So now it seems clear that at least certain visions/hallucinations/messages are in fact coming from the island, or the black smoke (Cerberus?). Locke has equated the two, which makes sense to me, but his interpretations of island mysteries have not led him where he thought they would in the past. At any rate, one could now, if one had nothing better to do on a Friday night, make some guesses as to what the island/smoke wants, assuming it is the kind of thing capable of wants.
Specifically, I think we know that it wanted the button pressed, and destroying whatever was under the hatch was not an acceptable compromise.
Consider: we know that the island is aware of things going on around it, even if those things are happening in an apparently sealed area. (Namely, it showed Eko Ana-Lucia's death.)
So, perhaps things go like this: the island knows that Desmond has run out of patience with his task, not to mention his life, and so it sends Locke to the hatch, ensuring that Desmond continues to push the button for awhile. Later, aware of Locke's growing resentment and lack of faith, it recruits Eko for the same job. And since he ultimately failed, it killed him, I suppose out of revenge. Which tells you something about its nature, perhaps.
If one wanted to go nuts, maybe Desmond's boat was drawn to the island for the same purpose.
On the other hand, it seems that, elsewhere on the "internet", people are putting more significance into the image of Eko's brother, Yemi, asking Eko to repent. Still, I think I am on to something, maybe. (Here I note that I don't believe, or need to believe to enjoy, that their are already answers written done to all these questions, so we can sidestep that particular conversation.) The island led Jack to water because it needed to keep at least a few people alive for future button-pushing just in case, and perhaps for other reasons. It killed the pilot because it is crazy go nuts and doesn't need all that many people.
Perhaps the crazy go nuts portion requires future refinement.
I do not know what I think about, say, Hurley's hallucination, or Charlie's dreams. Since they didn't involve the appearance of a dead person, coupled with the disappearance of said person's actual body, I will ignore them for the moment. But the smoke, like the Others, sure seems concerned with moral choices, for some reason.
Sidenote: everyone seems to think that the smoke is telepathic, but maybe it got its information about Eko (and presumably Jack and Locke and everyone else?) from the same source as the Others. So that rather than reading Eko's mind there it was just running his face through whatever database contains those files of Juliet's. Should any such database exist, of course.
Regarding Lost: So now it seems clear that at least certain visions/hallucinations/messages are in fact coming from the island, or the black smoke (Cerberus?). Locke has equated the two, which makes sense to me, but his interpretations of island mysteries have not led him where he thought they would in the past. At any rate, one could now, if one had nothing better to do on a Friday night, make some guesses as to what the island/smoke wants, assuming it is the kind of thing capable of wants.
Specifically, I think we know that it wanted the button pressed, and destroying whatever was under the hatch was not an acceptable compromise.
Consider: we know that the island is aware of things going on around it, even if those things are happening in an apparently sealed area. (Namely, it showed Eko Ana-Lucia's death.)
So, perhaps things go like this: the island knows that Desmond has run out of patience with his task, not to mention his life, and so it sends Locke to the hatch, ensuring that Desmond continues to push the button for awhile. Later, aware of Locke's growing resentment and lack of faith, it recruits Eko for the same job. And since he ultimately failed, it killed him, I suppose out of revenge. Which tells you something about its nature, perhaps.
If one wanted to go nuts, maybe Desmond's boat was drawn to the island for the same purpose.
On the other hand, it seems that, elsewhere on the "internet", people are putting more significance into the image of Eko's brother, Yemi, asking Eko to repent. Still, I think I am on to something, maybe. (Here I note that I don't believe, or need to believe to enjoy, that their are already answers written done to all these questions, so we can sidestep that particular conversation.) The island led Jack to water because it needed to keep at least a few people alive for future button-pushing just in case, and perhaps for other reasons. It killed the pilot because it is crazy go nuts and doesn't need all that many people.
Perhaps the crazy go nuts portion requires future refinement.
I do not know what I think about, say, Hurley's hallucination, or Charlie's dreams. Since they didn't involve the appearance of a dead person, coupled with the disappearance of said person's actual body, I will ignore them for the moment. But the smoke, like the Others, sure seems concerned with moral choices, for some reason.
Sidenote: everyone seems to think that the smoke is telepathic, but maybe it got its information about Eko (and presumably Jack and Locke and everyone else?) from the same source as the Others. So that rather than reading Eko's mind there it was just running his face through whatever database contains those files of Juliet's. Should any such database exist, of course.