Wednesday, November 02, 2005

This week I've decided to stay up to date on current events. Or, rather, I've decided to stay up to date on current events beyond DVD news and music reviews.

I picked Slate as my main source, both on account of generally finding something interesting to read there and because of their daily roundup of what's in the major U.S. papers (so long as we define "major U.S. papers" as the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times, but apparently that is indeed the usual definition).

Easy enough, only it turns out that Slate publishes a lot of articles each day. And then, if I want to actually read the stuff they refer to in those major papers, that's another big chunk of reading material. So basically I've spent an inordinate amount of time reading (virtual) newspapers lately, and what I'm wondering is, how do people who really keep up with this stuff, in a professional capacity, manage it?

Afterwards I made some brownies.


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