Monday, October 24, 2005

Texas: The Wrap-Up

Leaving NASA early, we faced the long drive back to Fort Worth. We drove through a forest, and past a statue of Sam Houston, and the prison museum, and then I was supposed to provide accurate rush-hour navigation through Dallas. Surprisingly it all worked out. The rest of our time was spent at my cousin's house, for the most part, which was nice enough; I like family gatherings as much as most people, and more than many. But, here is an example: We went to a museum on our penultimate day, prior to dropping off some people at the airport. It was filled with interesting things, but I got to see only a fraction, because I like to take my time at museums and this was, as I said, just a side trip between appointments, as it were. I'd rather schedule around the interesting stuff.

I got to take in all of the pre-columbian exhibit, at least.

I have a hard time getting attached to cities. They're so large they break my ability to think of them as discrete entitites. But it did seem nice to fly into Seattle. I credit the mountains, I suppose, or the climate.


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