Monday, March 01, 2004

Nearly extinct secret language for Chinese women.

I had one odd dream this morning, a sort of alternate ending for The Matrix + The Prisoner expressed in explicitly Biblical terms. (There were murderous bubble things floating around.) Keanu Reeves and his wife went down to the seashore, the sea rolled back, the earth cracked open, the sky peeled away, and it was generally bizzare.

"I understand. I know why we have to die and go into the ground. It's because our fantasies are so uninspiring." (Or possibly 'unfulfilling;' the details are fading fast.)

And then there was a new earth, and Keanu picked up a rock on the beach and underneath it was a knife, and he said "On this rock I will build my church."

My goals for today, put here so that I can feel bad later about not accomplishing them, are: 1.) Finish a Java program. 2.) Do some research for my Comparative Apocalypticism paper. 3.) Write in my philosophy journal.

A neat song to listen to: "It's Actually Going To Happen" by The Russian Futurists. Though I downloaded the MP3 (legitimately!) somewhere, and can now only find an inferior RealMedia version available here. You can check out the band website, though, if you like:


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