Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Dueling Headlines

Unintentional irony or comic juxtaposition can sometimes be found at Google News:

from the Kansas City Star: U.S. Pledges Aid to 9/11 Trial in Germany
from the Washington Post: U.S. Denies German 9/11 Retrial Key Witness

I suppose one could also say that this is also an example of the curious power of headlines, or the multifaceted nature of truth before it is necessarily filtered into a news story. Or something.


Blogger Diane Ho said...

Um, both your sources require registration.

Are they about the same event?

11:23 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

Oh, hey, sorry I didn't respond to this sooner. Google News lets you get to those links while a direct link does not, it would seem.

Anyway, both articles are indeed covering the same event. One headline emphasised what the U.S. was willing to offer and the other what it wasn't, though the content of both articles was fairly similar, and mentioned the same things. (Which is only natural, as one assumes they were both assisted liberally by AP reports.)

11:02 PM  

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